Thursday, January 1, 2015


If we did not learn the lessons of the past, we would be doomed to repeat the same errors.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


You can't really tell if something is an addiction until you try and give it up.


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Umbrella can't stop the rain, but can make us able to stand in the rain. Confidence may not bring success, but gives us power to face any challenges.


Life is about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.

The Great Gatsby


Necessity is a very important key factor. Be it marketing or motivation, it plays a huge role. It basically rules the world. People rarely act unless compelled to.